We offer several payment methods for giving to the ministry of Summerside Community Church:
1. Cash/Cheque: You are able to drop your offering envelope or cheque at the church 24 hours a day by using our new secure mail slot at the office door. If you are attending our service in person, you may place your donation in any of our marked boxes around the building.
2. E-Transfer: Summerside offers secure e-transfer through your bank. Send your donation to giving@summersidechurch.ca. No security question is needed.
3. Online: The green button/link above will open a secure window in which to make a donation through Tithe.ly.
4. Tithe.ly: Below the "Click to Give Now" button are links to the iPhone or Android Tithe.ly apps. Simply download these apps and after an initial setup, you can give through the app.
5. Direct Withdrawal: If you want to give regularly, directly from your bank account, you can set up an automatic withdrawal (a.k.a. Electronic Funds Transfer; Direct Debit; Pre-Authorized Payment). CLICK HERE to download and complete the form here and then give to our treasurer in mailbox E35.
You may designate your donation in one of four ways:
- Our General Fund represents our budget which covers all aspects of our regular expenses. It includes support for our staff, building maintenance, ministry expenses, and support for our Missionaries extending our outreach around the world. This fund is foundational to our ministry, so we encourage our congregation to make it a priority in giving.
- Building Fund donations are used to make improvements to our building.
- The Caring Fund is used to provide physical and emotional support to individuals. It is also used to encourage people serving in ministry and allows us to respond to humanitarian emergencies around the world.
- The Student Scholarship Fund is used to fund and scholarships for High School Graduates to spend a year in a program that helps them grow in Discipleship.
Year end Tax Receipts are issued in February. If you need a receipt before then, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.