Community Groups Vision

At Summerside, we want you to grow as a disciple of Jesus who Worships, Pursues, and Serves Jesus with their whole life. We believe the best way to accomplish this is through Community Groups.

A Community Group at Summerside is a committed gathering of believers that meet regularly to discuss God’s Word, care for one another, be accountable to one another, pray together, grow and serve together, and fellowship together in community.

Why We Are Committed To Community Groups

“Community group participation can accelerate and support your pursuit of Jesus Christ”

Types of Community Groups

Our goal is that a person can find community in one group; You are not pressured to join all groups!

  • Home Groups
    • Gathering 2-3 times per month engaging in Bible Study or discussing topics related to the Christian Life.
  • Women’s Groups
    • Gathering weekly in different seasons throughout the year to study a book of the Bible or other relevant topics for Christian Women.
  • Men’s Groups
    • Gathering weekly in different seasons throughout the year to study a book of the Bible or other relevant topics for Christian Men.
  • Specialized Groups
    • Other groups that target a specific demographics or meet outside the home
      • Youth Small Groups
      • Young Adults Group
      • Seniors Groups
      • Wednesday Evening Group at the Church
      • Etc...

How To Get Involved

We want to get you connected to a Community Group that fits your needs.

So if you want to know more about Community Groups or you know what group you want to join,

If you don't even know where to start, let us help you figure out some options for you by filling out our Community Group Information Form