At Summerside, our seniors are a vital and active group who serve the Lord while enjoying monthly events here together. We have some events that are sponsored by our North of 60 Seniors and other events that our seniors, along with seniors from other churches, participate in at Youth for Christ.
Check out the list of events, on the calendar below, or click HERE
26aug(aug 26)9:30 am30jun(jun 30)12:00 pmWomen's Friendship CircleWomen

Event Details
Friendship Circle - Every Monday for women and their friends ~ building friendships & crafts, 9:30am to noon.
Event Details
Friendship Circle – Every Monday for women and their friends ~ building friendships & crafts, 9:30am to noon.
August 26 (Monday) 9:30 am - June 30 (Monday) 12:00 pm
Summerside Community Church
04sep(sep 4)9:15 am28may(may 28)11:15 amPlay Group

Event Details
Come Play! Beginning SEPTEMBER 4, preschoolers and their caregivers are here on Wednesday mornings, following the school-year calendar, from 9:15am to 11:15am, to play together and meet friends. We provide the toys and snacks.
Event Details
Come Play!
Beginning SEPTEMBER 4, preschoolers and their caregivers are here on Wednesday mornings, following the school-year calendar, from 9:15am to 11:15am, to play together and meet friends.
We provide the toys and snacks. No registration is required.
Come and play with your infant / preschooler.
September 4 (Wednesday) 9:15 am - May 28 (Wednesday) 11:15 am
12sep(sep 12)6:00 am30apr(apr 30)10:21 amParking Lot Team

Event Details
We have a Parking Lot Team for Sunday mornings. Would you like to be a part of the team? Here is what is involved: arrive 30 minutes before the service is scheduled to begin
Event Details
We have a Parking Lot Team for Sunday mornings.
Would you like to be a part of the team?
Here is what is involved:
- arrive 30 minutes before the service is scheduled to begin
- receive your fluorescent safety vest
- locate yourself at either the front or back of the parking lot (you will be in a team of 2 – one person at the front and one person at the back) to be the first point of welcome and to help folks find parking spots
- reserve the ‘Special Needs’ parking area at the front (where the signs are located) for those who need them
- communicate with your team member about the fill status of your area
- if the lot is full, place the ‘overflow parking’ sign out at the front
- once the service has started, remain in the parking lot for 5-10 minutes to help newcomers find parking
- about 5-10 minutes after the service begins, come inside, return your safety vest, and join in the worship service
If you are interested in serving on this team, please register HERE
Jeff Ste. Marie will contact you and will prepare, ad provide you with, a serving schedule for the team.
Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can serve, here at Summerside.
September 12 (Thursday) 6:00 am - April 30 (Wednesday) 10:21 am

Event Details
Men of Summerside, God is calling you to fight the good fight of the faith alongside other men. Every man's fight may look different, but it all starts with their
Event Details
Men of Summerside, God is calling you to fight the good fight of the faith alongside other men. Every man’s fight may look different, but it all starts with their walk with God. Are you ready to join the fight?
Every Man a Warrior is a 10-session commitment (see dates and times) with other men to practice walking with God every day. This study will help you get into a daily rhythm of quiet time, meditating on Scripture, prayer, and applying God’s Word to your life.
For more details, to review the full schedule, and to register, please copy and paste this link into your browser –
January 6 (Monday) 7:00 pm - March 10 (Monday) 9:00 pm
09jan(jan 9)9:30 am27may(may 27)11:30 amSeniors' Ministry

Event Details
PLEASE NOTE: We will resume, after our Christmas break, on January 7, 2025. Nelson Annan and David Martin have prepared a weekly Tuesday Bible Fellowship. Join us every Tuesday morning,
Event Details
PLEASE NOTE: We will resume, after our Christmas break, on January 7, 2025.
Nelson Annan and David Martin have prepared a weekly Tuesday Bible Fellowship. Join us every Tuesday morning, here at the church, from 9:30am to 11:15am, wherein we will watch a video series and discuss. Once a month, we will host a special speaker.
Please feel free to invite other seniors to join you.
There are also several seniors’ events at YFC (Youth For Christ), as organized by Hugh Mitchell. Those events will also be listed below as they become available.
With your help, we will strengthen community amongst our seniors.
January 9 (Thursday) 9:30 am - May 27 (Tuesday) 11:30 am
16jan(jan 16)6:00 am14aug(aug 14)5:00 pmSummer Day Camps 2025

Event Details
Summerside Families and Families in Summerside, we are hosting 6-weeks of Bible-based summer day camps running here, at Summerside Church, this summer. Check out all of the opportunities for your
Event Details
Summerside Families and Families in Summerside, we are hosting 6-weeks of Bible-based summer day camps running here, at Summerside Church, this summer. Check out all of the opportunities for your children to grow in God’s Word and have a ton of fun at day camp this summer. Please click on the links provided in the link below, with each day camp, to register for same.
*Please note that the church does not look after registrations. You must register via the provided links to each camp’s webpage.
To view the camps and the registration links, please click HERE .
January 16 (Thursday) 6:00 am - August 14 (Thursday) 5:00 pm
05feb(feb 5)8:30 am27mar(mar 27)2:01 pmBaptism

Event Details
Baptisms, here at Summerside, are a way in which the believer can publicly show one's obedience to Christ and his commands in their day-to-day lives. Baptism, by full immersion, sets
Event Details
Baptisms, here at Summerside, are a way in which the believer can publicly show one’s obedience to Christ and his commands in their day-to-day lives. Baptism, by full immersion, sets forth one’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
We are looking to schedule a baptism, in the near future, for anyone who is interested.
Please click HERE to register your interest in being baptized.
February 5 (Wednesday) 8:30 am - March 27 (Thursday) 2:01 pm
05feb6:00 pm8:15 pmWednesday Night Group

Event Details
The Wednesday Night Group meets every second Wednesday evening, from 6pm to 8:15pm, beginning September 18. We start with an optional potluck at 6pm and then break into our study groups
Event Details
The Wednesday Night Group meets every second Wednesday evening, from 6pm to 8:15pm, beginning September 18.
We start with an optional potluck at 6pm and then break into our study groups (men’s and women’s) at 6:45pm. We will be studying 1 and 2 Peter.
Anyone is welcome; however, there is no childcare.
Please register at the link below (you may need to copy and paste). It will take you directly to Groups registration:
(Wednesday) 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Event Details
A 7-Week Study for Women and Teen Girls "When You Pray" - A Powerful Journey into Deepening Your Prayer Life Begin with a special Prayer & Praise Night Thursday, February 6th at 7:30 PM
Event Details
A 7-Week Study for Women and Teen Girls
“When You Pray” – A Powerful Journey into Deepening Your Prayer Life
Begin with a special Prayer & Praise Night Thursday, February 6th at 7:30 PM – All women welcome!
Bible Study Sessions begin Thursday, February 13th at 7:30 PM
In this transformative 7-session study, discover the rich tapestry of prayer woven throughout Scripture. Together, we’ll explore different ways to connect with God, overcome prayer challenges, and strengthen our relationship with Christ. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your prayer life or just beginning your journey, this study offers wisdom and encouragement for every step.
For more details, and to register, please click HERE
February 13 (Thursday) 7:30 pm - March 27 (Thursday) 9:00 pm
26feb7:00 pm8:30 pmChurch-Wide Prayer & Worship Night

Event Details
Everyone is invited to a Church-wide Prayer & Worship Night on Wednesday February 26 at 7:00pm. Persistent Prayer is one of our values as a church, and this night is about calling
Event Details
Everyone is invited to a Church-wide Prayer & Worship Night on Wednesday February 26 at 7:00pm.
Persistent Prayer is one of our values as a church, and this night is about calling us to a deeper commitment to relying on God through persistent prayer. We will have time to call on God to move in our personal lives, our families, our burdens, our church and beyond, and we believe “praying together” is a powerful thing.
Pastor Leo will be leading this prayer night and directing us to pray for different areas of need.
Pastor Luke and the worship team will be preparing our hearts and helping us to respond to God in prayer through music and singing.
Don’t miss this opportunity to seek God and his will together in prayer and worship.
(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
02mar3:00 pm5:00 pmMembership Class

Event Details
At Summerside, we take membership seriously. Membership is how we, as a church, know that you are with us, committed, and engaged with the mission. It's easy to attend a church
Event Details
At Summerside, we take membership seriously.
Membership is how we, as a church, know that you are with us, committed, and engaged with the mission. It’s easy to attend a church off and on, it’s another thing to say, “hey, you can count on me.” Additionally, membership is how we, as pastors and elders, know who is under our care! It’s hard to shepherd people when you don’t even know if this is their home church.
Our next Membership Class is on Sunday, March 2 @3pm.
If you are interested in membership at Summerside, please register for the class at this link (copy and paste) –
(Sunday) 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm